
Wednesday, December 1, 2010



Friendly URL is the complete encoded URL excluding the domain.

NiceUrl XSLT Example

From this you will get currently view page.

XSLT anchor tag:

This example shows how to use this to build a link to this page:

Or it can be written using the short hand version:

Both of the above statements used on this page will produce:



Using FormatDateTime allows you to format a date, such as the node's createDate and updateDate XML attributes for example.

FormatDateTime('String Date', 'String Format')
String Date = The date you want to format
String Format = a coded string that is an example of the format you want to use (see below).
String Format Codes:

d = Short date format for current culture (eg. 01/03/10)

D = Long date format for current culture (eg. 1 March 2010)

MMMM = Full month name spelled out ('August')
MMM = Abbreviated month name ('Aug')
MM = 2 digit month ('08')
M = 1 or 2 digit month ('8')

Note that if the 'M' format specifier is used alone, without other custom format strings, it is interpreted as the standard month day pattern format specifier. If the 'M' format specifier is passed with other custom format specifiers or the '%' character, it is interpreted as a custom format specifier.

dddd = Full day of week ('Thursday')
ddd = Abbreviated day of the week ('Thu')
dd = 2 digit day ('06')
d = 1 or 2 digit day ('6')

y or yy = 2 digit year ('99')
yyyy = 4 digit year ('1999')

h = 1 or 2 digit hour ('9')
hh = 2 digit hour ('09')
H = 24 hour ('21')

m = 1 or 2 digit minute ('3')
mm = 2 digit minute('03')

More date and time formatting codes and information can be found here:


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